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I cannot say it in English, but you must see like me, that the love you talk of is love deformed, disgraced, & degraded -- foreign: French l'amour privé de ses alentours délicats, a perdu ses vrais charmes; -- si les sentimens ciquis ne viennent plus ennoblier l'amour, il n'est plus qu'un besoin momentaré, facile a contenter, underline et trop méprisable pr interesser. /underline /foreign

Bigoty is the accursed & promiscuous progeny of servile hypocrisy, -- remorseless lust of power, -- -- & insatiate thurst of gain, labouring for the destruction of man under the specious pretences of Religion, her Banner stolen from the altar of God, her allies congregated from the abysses of hell; -- The acts by Votaries who are restrained by no compunctions of humanity for they are dead to mercy -- to be reclaimed by no voice or reason, for refutation is the bread on which their folly feeds, -- they are outlawed alike from