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by her Cumberland or Ld Nelson killed on board underline the Victory off Cape Trafalgar, 8ber 21st /underline 1805

Is there a man who this gd triumph hears And with his transport does not mingle tears? For whilst Britannia's flag victorious flies Who can repress his greif when underline Nelson /underline dies? Stretch'd on his deck amidst surrounding fires There, Phoenix-like, the gallant cheif Expires. Cover'd with trophies let his ashes rest His memory lives in ev'ry British breast; His dirge our groans, his monument our praise And whilst each tongue this grateful tribute pays His Soul ascends to underline heav'n /underline in glory's brightest blaze.

Again the loud ton'd trump of fame Proclaims, Britannia rules the main But sorrow whispers nelson's name And mourns underline the gallant /underline Victor slain.

Rule brave Britons, brave Britons rule the main Avenge the godlike Hero slain.