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to live on. There are six of us and a servant maid. no underline curtailment /underline can be made in our underline expenses /underline. That 82 £ is underline allowed /underline, of course, underline insecure /underline. We must underline have unclear /underline back for donations from the underline first people /underline of late in this Kingdom underline persons well known to the Genl; and yourselves /underline one of the royal Brothers who underline visited /underline Mrs Belson on a underline friendly footing /underline in her first husband's time alive and has underline often served /underline us once underline through your hands /underline. If you could bring our underlinesituation to your exact view /underline I am sure you would send us a triffle not add to our unclear many of Mrs B. kindred unclear friends and underline "correspondents" /underline I unclear [[unclear] to the late Mrs Stephens the once affluent unclear whose unclear brought up under her, from a Boy: we have Lords, Bishops, Barts, and M. P.s in our family nevertheless underline who have done much /underline , many have large famillys of their own, so no blame to them our situation in life.

I need not tell you an officer half pay's sword underline cannot /underline be sold or underline disposed /underline of if underline either /underline no underline security /underline nor jimself can secure it. In spite of all it is a gift for past services to unclear spare us from starving. I again say