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(4) 2. If when deletion unclear /deletion ^ addition we /addition enterdeletions/deletion a Temple we are accustomed to be a composed mind deletion and a unclear addition with a decent & Solemn [[/addition] behaviour & gait, If when we appr deletion if we hang unclear can unclear [/deletion]] the sacrifices we look down deletion upo /deletion deletion where we are present at the Sacrifices /deletion upon the ground we see whether; our clothes set as they ought to do and we study to signify our modesty in every deletion unclear: /deletion addition look & gesture: /addition we ought also to dispute modestly of the nature of God lest we should affirm any thing deletion unclear /deletion rashly. We cannot Speak rightly of the Divine deletion name /deletion addition being /addition unless deletion made /deletion deletion unclear /deletion addition enlighten'd /addition by him. deletion light /deletion For the Divine deletion unclear deletion addition being /additionis the fountain of light as well as of Goodness. 3. God cannot be understood in any ^ addition other deletion unclear /deletion /addition manner ^ addition than /addition deletion unclear /deletion as mind,