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Template:Foreign: French Ma chere Clayton on a quelque dessein, datasne asurement, mais sur tout chose, nan parle pas, mais voiet si Sr Josphe nan seait, rien, et vous me ferais - plaisir, de lan avoit dire, le secret, nest pas pour Mons. Clayton, il est trop bone amie, come vous ausi, pur luy cacher augune chose vous pourez conter sur ma Reconnesance, que ne finera que avec ma vie Caroline

My dear Clayton there is assuredly some design to attach. Say nothing of this, but see, if Sr. Joseph knows nothing of it and you'll doe me a pleasure in acquainting him with the secret, it is not to be one, to Mr. Clayton he is too good a friend as well as you to conceal any thing from, you may be sure of my acknowledgement which shall not end but with my life Caroline