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Lewis, deletion Charlemain's /deletion ^ addition ye. Pious Charlemain's /addition Son, not protecting ye. Prov's of Navarre & Arragon, they form'd themselves into a Km. & chose Inigo for their K; He deletion made many /deletion addition encreas'd his dominions /addition by conquests on ye. Moors; when He was appointed ^ addition K. /addition a sort of M. Ch. was made, yt. he should not attack ye. Liberties of ye. People, ye deletion People of /deletion Navarrese by not attending to it, have lost this benefit; but ye. Arrogonese, would never give it up, & enjoy some priviledges ^ addition underline of yt original compact /underline /addition which was call'd ye. Fore of Sobrabe.

Ordo II. in 914. chang'd ye. title of K. of Asturia into yt. of Leon; He seiz'd ye. Counts of Castile who wanted to be independant.

In ye. Reign of his Bro Froila II. ye. Castilians because of ye. above mention'd action threw of deletion their /deletion addition ye Yoke /addition of yt. Km. of Leon, & became independant, at first they put ye. goven. into ye. hands of two Judges, ye. one dirrected Civil, ye. other ye. Military affairs, but when they died, Gonsolva Nunes of a German family got all ye. Power.

In 982 ye. Km of Leon was reunited with yt. of Galicia under Veremond II.

Sancho ye. Great ^ addition underline K. of Navarre /underline /addition having espous'd ye. Heiress of ye C-s of Castile united those two Dominions:

He on his death left Navarre to his Eldest Son Garcias; Castile to his 2d. Son Ferd. Sobrabe & Ripororga to Gonsalvo his 3d. Son. & Arragon to his natural son Ramire; this was a very weak step; & besides these 4. ^ addition underline Christian /underline /addition Spain had Leon, & Barcelona which were also independant states.

Leon & Castile were united under Ferd. in 1037.

Gonsalvo dying Ramire added his dominions to his own.

Ferd. took ye. title of Emp. upon which Henry III. ye. Roman Emp. said yt. addition ye. K. /addition Spain ought to do him homage; but deletion by /deletion^ addition Ferd. /addition raising an army, ye. Pope declar'd deletion it /deletion addition he /addition was independant Ferd. gave to Sancho his Edes Son Castile, to his 2d. Leon, & to his Youngest Gallicia. Sancho IV. addition underline K. of Navarre /underline /addition being murder'd ^ addition by his Bro. /addition Raimond; deletion to /deletion addition underline ye people have this Km. ye. K. /underline /addition of Arragon, deletion ye /deletion

Alphonso united Madrid, Medina, & other places, deletion & call'd /deletion addition into a Prov. /addition which he nam'd New Castile, & erected ye. Archb-ck of Toledo; He gave his 3. daughters in marriage to ye. addition 3. /addition deletion Ps. of /deletion French Ps. who acted as volunteers in his wars with ye. Moors, his Eldest had ye. C-y of Gallicia; his natural Daughter had ye. Km of Portugal another natural Daughter had a great sum of money & Jewels.