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The Veneration, Attachment and Respect which we underline feel for /underline you dearest Lady Cha -- and which is most deeply Engrain on our Hearts -- is happily well known to You -- and from our earliest Infancy we underline felt that Affection /underline, which Mature Years proved to us to be granted our Gratitude and Esteem.

We are truly Sensible of the Exertion You have made in writing to us, & we beg you to be assured that nothing You ever could send us could give our Hearts such Gratification, as the Sentiments of underline your love for us /underline given in underline your own Words /underline and under underline Your own Handwriting /underline.

It is indeed true that we have had underline our share of Sorrow /underline, but we have had many blessings - nor do we look back to the having been under Your care as one of the least of the Mercies of Heaven --

These are the Genuine Sentiments of those who have the pleasure of signing themselves

Your most truly Affectionate and Gratefull






Windsor Castle

Tuesday Octr. 18th 1808