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deletion he /deletion felt the contrary most severely, for , He having sent troops to assist the Libyans against the Cyreneans & they being beaten, deletion the Ægyptians /deletion thought He had sent them solely for destruction on this many of them revolted; on his hearing this He sent Amasis one of his officers to appease them; but the Ægyptians instantly appointed that Man their King; Apries enrag'd order'd addition ^^ underline Parabemis /underline /addition another Officer to go & seize Amasis who not succeeding; He cruely eat off his Nose & Ears this inhuman step drove the rest of his Subjects against him, which oblig'd him to retire into Upper Ægypt.

Nabucodonosor King of Babylon took deletion unclear /deletion advantage of the confusions that subsisted in Ægypt to overrun it; He committed such great outrages that the damage was not recover'd in froty Years; on his returen to BabylonHe appointed Amasis his Viceroy in Ægypt; them Apries assemb'd an Army of Carian & Ionians, & march'd against Amasis, but was defeated & taken Prisoner at Memphis, was conducted to Sais, & there Strangl'd.

underline Amasis /underline now remain'd peaceable possessor of the Throne; as He was but of a mean birth his Subjects at first despis'd him; as very extraordinary deletion method /deletion addition stratagean /addition it is said He us'd to obtain respect; He had a Gold Statue cast out of a Gold Vase He & his Guests us'd to wash their feet in; his Subjects worship'd it; He then explain'd them the mean use it had originaly be of; & drew the