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leave without the Kg. & before You left me I again repeated why present Her addition at /addition all. You will I hope be convinced that I can have no Personal dislike to a Young Woman well brought up & Unknown to me, but after what passed on Sunday I think it my particular Duty to prevent ldy Cs. taking a Step which might offend the Kg, & also to clear myself of the mistake of my having given leave for a Presentation at Court without the Kg being made acquainted with it.

I am so Convinced of Your Judgement & regard to Decency that You will approve of my intention to see ldy Chalmundeley on Thursday to explain myself upon the Subject, as I must unclear that I never saw a more Sensible & Restpectfull Letter than Hers is to me.

I hope You will enjoy this fine Weather in the Country & amuse Yourself well, the exercise I hope will cure all Bilious disorders which will give great Pleasure to Yr very affectionnate Mother & Sincere Friend. Charlotte

note Windsor the 19th/ March. 1799. /note