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knowing His Majesty, for so many Years, condescended to shew to my Brother, does not surprize me; nor that the grossest misrepresentations to his disadvantage should, consequently, have been industriously circulated; and, in some instances, unfortunately have reached your Majesty's ear:- But knowing my Brother as I do; having heard him, as I have done, in the most unreserved moments of confidence, expressing the warmest sentiments of loyalty, duty, & gratitude; I cannot bear,/ I say it with all earnestness, but with the utmost respect/ if my feeble efforts can avert the wrong, that he should unjustly be held out to the world the marked object of your Majesty's displeasure.

That my Brother should be unfavourably prejudged by your Majesty upon those points upon which he is at issue with the Public, I cannot suppose; more particularly as I can say with certainty catchword that /catchword