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of the underline manifold favors: /underline I have received of your hands; we have I assure you, underline grateful hearts. /underline I can all ready, underline accept unclear /underline for a start, and have laid out, mostly my last shilling,, I will not trouble you, with underline particulars, /underline Mrs,, B. has had, one of my family ill, a of course underline expensive, /underline we are very underline low indeed, /underline I have had of you,, 58 £ if you will enclose me? 20 £ more which can be no object to you, till unclear it will relieve us, from the underline pressure /underline of the underline moment, /underline which is very underline severe, I give you my honor /underline and I underline solemnly declare, /underline I will underline never /underline intrude again, it will save unclear underline Credit, /underline and cannot, so unclear a