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It was my situation induced you to compassionate our underline reverse of fortune /underline I surely am at this moment more hardly circumstanced than ever I was in my life. underline Royalty underline were /underline (and some of the underline first charactersunderline) whom underline you well know /underline have given aid to Mrs Belson, who were underline intimate /underline with her in former days of underline comfort underline, I might say underline affluence /underline. We must have underline wanted /underline this Winter, but for Mr G. Rose M.P. and Sir Frances Baring Bart. and others. My underline great concern /underline is that I seem to have lost your friendship (pardon the term) I should say underline warm interest in my behalf /underline for no error of my head, or heart, as at the time I underline borrow'd the money /underline I had 180 £ more a year and the assurance of the underline first legal opinions /underline that I was to have this 1000 £ underline money /underline legacy , and I had ther underline hope /underline alsoI underline could /underline have perform'd the duties of the Lieut Commission in the 2d Stafford. underline which you procur'd me /underline