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A Catalogue of his Royal Highness ye Prince of Wales's Pictures in Leicester House, Sepr. 1749

Great stairs By The Sieges of Tournay, taken by the Allies, July 28th 1709 .... Wootten The Sieges of Lisle taken by the Allies Augst. 22d 1709 .... Do. Augustus Caesar ye civile .... Pet: da Cortona

1st Rooms Winter .... Sr. per: Paul Rubens Summer .... Do. The four parts of ye Day ....Teniers Don Scotus .... Spagnolleto A Monk's head .... Rubens Margt. D'. Aytona .... Don Diego Velaskin

2d. Room A Landskip .... Gas: Poussin one Do. .... Do. Jonas thrown into the Sea by Gasper the Figures by .... Nicls. Poussin A Landskip by .... Gas: Poussin A Landskip wth. Abraham offering Isaac .... Titian The putting up the Ashes of Germanicus .... unclear A Landskip with our Saviour on the Mount .... Titian A Battle of Joshua .... pictro da Cortona A Landskip (Evening) .... Claude Lorrain A Landskip (Morning) .... Do. Jacobs Journey into Egypt .... Phillipo A'Laura A Landskip with ye. Castle Gondalfo .... Francisco Bolognes The Arch Bishop of Cambray .... Cardinal Woolsey .... Holben