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he governed both the high & the low deletion high & the low unclear. The /deletion with equal laws. The reason for deletion reason for /deletion establishing laws was the same as that for deletion establishing /deletion addition appointing /addition Kings. For laws were invented that they might speak to all with the same impartial voice.

Agefilaus king of the Lacedomonians praised justice as the greatest of all virtues, & affirm'd that there was no deletion just place /deletion addition deletion strong /deletion /addition courage without justice. deletion that without virtue. /deletion When some said to him that something was commanded by the great king of the ^ addition underline Persians /underline /addition deletion But /deletion, said he, addition But /addition is he greater than Agesilaus, if he is not not more just? indeed deletion leading /deletion rightly, deletion speaking /deletion deletion the /deletion ^ addition judging that all /addition greatness deletion of should be /deletion addition is to be /addition measured ^ deletion who does not justice, as if the /deletion addition by justice as by a Royal rule /addition deletion Kings rule. /deletion A certain man speaking before King Antigonus, said that all