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In examining ye. deletion various /deletion addition train of /addition passions which fill up ye. unclear Stages of human life, we perceive deletion this unclear distinction unclear /deletion deletion unclear, /deletion yt. some are for ye. Good of yr. individual, & others for yt. of ye. Species; which has occasion'd ye. former being call'd private, ye. latter publick affections; Love of Life, pleasure, & power, is of ye. first Sort; & of ye. cast are Compassion, Gratitude Friendship, natural Affection & c. Some of ye. private passions only regard ye. Security & defense of ye. Creature, as resentment deform, but others aim at some positive good, as addition ye desire /addition Wealth, Ease, Time; for a distinction we will call'd ye. former sort defensive passion because they answer to our dangers, & prompt us to avoid them if we can, & if not, to meet them boldy.

ye. other kind of private ^ addition underline passions which unclear /underline /addition positive Good, may unclear appetite but we will stick to ye. name private in opposition to ye. defensive passion. Man having various wants to supply, & being capable of many Enjoyments according to ye different parts of life; ought to have a certain train of private affection, to engage deletion to fallen /deletion addition him to get /addition what is necessary his Welfare.

Our publick affections, are deletion fitted /deletion addition suited /addition to ye. Several Social Connections & relations we bear to others, by making us see their dangers, prompting us to assist them, & by interesting us in their wants, & making us supply them.