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If 'tis ask'd how far ye Affections towards private good on happiness deletion may be induly just? /deletion ^ addition deletion underline ye. answer is yt /underline /deletion /addition deletion unclear before /deletion ^ addition deletion unclear /deletion /addition deletion unclear subordination /deletion may be induly'd? ye. answer is often by it none of ye. higher obligations deletion of ye. passion to ye. common Aggregate of good to ye unclear System, about /deletion are violated. deletion further they must have a due regard to Health, Regulation & c. which are /deletion deletion private unclear & to ye. Security & happiness of others, in unclear private [[/deletion] deletion affections unclear induly'd, when by unclear /deletion deletion higher unclear /deletion

Whether there is ever a collision of interests between ye. publick & private Affections shall be consider'd deletion Afterwards /deletion addition in another place /addition; but if there is no collision, there is little if any danger yt. they will be carried too far, particularly ye. publick, if both kinds are subservient to a well regulated Self love, & to a calm benevolence, which principles stand as Guards at ye. Head of Each System.

We now understand ye. force of ye. passions when they are seperately consider'd, & their ballance, When their relation is examin'd.

Whatever ye. Principle is yt. maintains this ballance, & yt. is form'd within us to direct ye. passions, so as to keep them from interfering with each other, must undoubtedly be of a superior Nature to them, & ought to order their measures, & govern their proportions. Now it has been already laid down, yt. Reason or Reflections is this Principle; & or ye. Moral Sense, which judges ye. Affections & Action, pronouncing some just & good; & other unjust & bad; deletion therefore /deletion it follows yt. ye. passions acting ^ addition thro' /addition blind impulses are inferior to this judging faculty. Therefore is we would follow ye. order of Nature, ye. passions ought to be subject to ye authority of ye. loading Principles.