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3. affection to one party, & possibly opposed to another, employed in recollection & foresight, inclined to communicate his own sentiments & to be made acquainted with those of others; these facts must therefore be admitted as the foundation of all reasoning relative to Man; his mixed disposition to friendship or enmity, his reason, use of language & articulate sounds, like the shape & erect position of his body, are to be considered as so many attributes of his nature.

In the History of mankind we shall see the proper answer to the question, what the mind of man could do if left to itself & unassisted by any foreign direction, & also his conduct in the situation to which he is formed, but our foundation would be eroneous were we to fix our opinions on his appearance in any forced or uncommon condition, a wild Man caught in a Wood is a singular instance not a specimen of any general Character.

Mankind must be examined in groupes as they have always subsisted, & were a Colony of Children left to from a Society a part, we have every reason to imagine we should have the same things repeated that have already been transacted in many different parts of the Globe.

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