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the Day as mention'd below, into His Presence in His Palace at St. James, and has there declared to me, this present Volume, consisting of 21. written Pages, to be His last Will, made with full and mature Deliberation, which Will His Majesty has in my Presence Signed and Sealed with His Signet; and further, that the Witnesses, called, & at underline foreign:Latin hunc Actum /foreign /underline dispensed with their Oath of Allegiance have also set their Hand & Seal to this Will, and acknowledged the Hand & Seal to be theirs, and that all this has been done underline foreign:Latin uno codem qui Actu; /foreign /underline I certify and attest by this present Instrument, which I have made in Stead of a Publick Notary, and have signed & Sealed it, with the two under written Witnesses, having all three been previously dispensed, underline foreign:Latin quoad hunc Actum /foreign /underline with Our Oath of Allegiance. Witness our own Hand & Seal. St. James April the 3/14th 1751.

(L.S.) John Frederic Mejer

(LS) John Frederic Schönian

(L.S.) John Kramer.