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not suspecting in the least (at that time) any of their Designs, in Endeavouring to settle a Trade & Build a Fort here, but that the- Presents were sent him in Gratuity, for taking care of their Merchant Ships & ca as mentioned before: But to his great Surprise, the next day, When the Capashires and other Chiefs of The Kingdom were Assembled together, the Messenger presented them with 40 Hanchors of Brandy, containing as before, & having got the Principal Capashires- down in a piece of Paper (which I presume he brought with him from France) to about the Number of 40 or 50, he called them up in his Room (my Father being present) and presented Each, with a Laced Hat & a Feather (some Lace being Gold & some Silver) & with a piece of rich Brocade (some of a red & some of a Green & others of a Pinck Colour) Each Embroidered either with silver or gold; (tho' not so rich as those presented to my Father) & lastly presented them Each, with a Cane mounted with Gold; & still continues to give trifling presents, to them, & the People, every day, such as Brandy & Cloth; so that he may excite the Phantees in his favour, acquainting them at the same time, that he brought it from the King of France, who he said, desired to know of them, whether they Loved the French, as well, as the English; &

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