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of this earliest and kindest friend most deeply. You would underline Esteem /underline and love both underline Himself /underline and our most underline Amiable /underline and underline perfect /underline Queen - if you could see the real underline Modesty /underline with which they unclear their new honours. All the arrangements are done in so delicate a manner - underline but it is necessary /underline that underline much should be done /underline ^ addition the propriety of /addition which they underline see,/underline but which the recent underline Event & Calamity /underline render as unpleasant to do underline apparently so soon /underline.

I thank you both my kind friends for your enquiries after underline myself /underline. I am as composed as I can be, though I have met with a very heavy Affliction and time will with Gods Mercy soothe my underline feelings - and if /underline it pleases underline Him /underline that underline dear William /underline keeps His health and that His good intentions - His good Sense and underline perfect /underline determination to underline fulfill /underline the great trust which is reposed in Him to the utmost shall be underline valued /underline as it might I shall be happy again.

God bless you both.

Ever your most faithfull friend
