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foreign: French Les Hommes vous conseillent selon leurs vues, il ne faut point s'en étonner, celui qui se fache du conseil personnel qu'on lui donne a tort; il vaut mieux trouver l'interêt de chacun a sa place, et suivre un plan bien digerré. --- /foreign

My first ne'er stirs but winds or waters move it My second knows no forest beast above it. ---- My third - who'd guess it must in numbers try Thousands wont underline reach it /underline till they reckon high

Small is my first addition & /addition yet no bound'ry knows But comprehends ourselves, our freinds & foes. -- Without my next no Vessel dares to brave The storms of Ocean, & the briny wave. My third's where knots are tied, that none can sever deletion unclear /deletion addition Where /addition all that's lost or gain'd, is lost or gain'd for ever. --


My first is the first learnt articulate sound My second is the result of the Union of Man & Man, & my underline whole a Parson /underline is excused saying.