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unmilitary appearance in My life. An underline Espalier /underline Garden between the underline two terraces /underline -- the New one underline Starts /underline off from the underline Sundial /underline -- and runs along the Bowling Green for about the underline Rise /underline of three underline Arcs-- /underline in Bastion shape, then joins the underline South Terrace /underline under the late Green underline drawingroom /underline Window and between the underline two /underline there is to be an .Old fashioned Garden underline with Espaliers. /underline I underline presume /underline the underline leaves /underline will be underline Cartridges /underline and the underline fruit made of Shot. underline Otherwise there will be nothing at all Military in the appearance or underline intention /underline of such a underline Green. place. /underline

My kind and most sincere Affectionate regards to You both from Your

very faithfull friend
