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grown bold and stump away with my Stick in a most happy Independent manner. Quite underline a match for you my Dear Lord! /underline I am truly Sensible of your Constant kindness to me and happy as it would make me to see you both I would not for the World that You should think of incurring any risks by attempting unclear plan. I hope when I return to London some time hence that you will come and see me and allow me to come to unclear You may suppose that the unclear coming to Brighton affected my Spirits very much. The last Visit I made here was to my Dearest unclear beloved Frederick and then though God knows was happy to see underline Him /underline it was sad to see Him so altered and underline yet assuring me He was /underline so much better. Now to think that underline another link of our family chain is gone /underline is a Weight on my Heart & sad underline Reflection /underline and a unclear blank! but in the Will of Heaven I trust I bow to it with submission but underline let /underline one do one's best we poor Mortals must occasionally grieve for the loss of Departed happiness not forgetting that He who gave it to us has a just right in His Wisdom to take it back to Himself again!

I beg pardon for having written in such a unclear, but I dont put where! address lord and lady Arran that I am speaking