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to Dieppe, where they found they were deceiv'd, one Ship return'd to England, the Sailors of ye. others all deserted except one who was kill'd in charging a cannon against the Rochellois, Parliament show'd a becoming warmth on this occasion, & deletion unclear /deletion a deletion was /deletion strong deletion ly /deletion attachedment to the Protestant Religion; they then enter'd into disputes concerning ye. undue exercise of the Ceremonys of ye. Church; Charles perceiving yt addition their /addition heat daily encreasing that no additional supply would be granted, deletion unclear /deletion deletion unclear /deletion dissolv'd ye. Parliament

The King to encrease ye. Sums granted him, issu'd Privy Seals for borrowing Money, the advantage yt. accru'd by this extraordinary means of Supply was but little, & ye. ill will very great, He then equip'd a Fleet of 8. Ships & an Army of 10.000. Men against Cadiz, which return'd without success by owing to the inability of the Commander Sir Edw. Celil Ld. Wimbleton

note 1626. /note Charles's Coffers were now deletion unclear /deletion so drain'd deletion unclear /deletion addition yt. He /addition deletion again /deletion addition had again recourse /addition to calling Parliament; & was ill advis'd enough to name four of ye. Popular Members thenfess to prevent as He immagin'd their sitting in Parliament, this was so apparent then it undoubtedly instead of cooling, greatly heat'd Men; ye. Commons Voted ^ addition underline a grant /underline /addition of three subsidys & three fifteenths